
On Linux: press CTRL + Shift ⇧ + U and enter the number below. On Windows, search for the “alt codes”. Symbols in grey may show up as ▯ on Android.

In HTML, to force rendering actual black and white unicode symbols and not emojis*, type the symbol's hex code followed by the variation selector “︎”. Unfortunately this doesn't work on Android for many symbols, such as the two below, but which are discerned correctly on Linux (if e.g., font noto-fonts-emoji is installed) and Windows; Why?

For example, to draw:

Non-exhaustive lists of symbols/emojis:

Operator, relations:

Numbers, letters:

Units & quantities:

Games & probability


Ballot box:


Test: ✍ ✍ ✍️ ✍︎ 🖎 🖎 🖎️ 🖎︎

Test: 🔒︎ 🔒️ 🌪︎ 🌪️ ☀︎ ☀️

Test: 🗒️🗒 U+1F5D2; 🗒︎ 🗒️

Test: 🖊 🖊︎ 🖊︎ 🖊️ 🖊️ 🖋 🖋︎ 🖋︎ 🖋️ 🖉 🖉 🖉︎ 🖉️ 🖉︎ 🖉️

Test: ✎ ✎︎ ✎️ ✎ ✎︎ ✎️

Test: 🗎 🗎🗎

Test: 🗣 🗣 🗣︎ 🗣️ 🗣 🗣︎ 🗣️

Test: ☞ ☞ ☞